Snow day 2014

Hey y'all, I hope everyone is warm and cozy today. We got a foot of snow here in Franklin that is not usual at all for us. A few inches and melts the next day if we see snow at all in winter. All my Yankee and Mid west friends will laugh when I tell you, the Governor declared a state of emergency. HA! The area is covered with between 6 to 13 inches and we are shut down around here! Personally I love it. Did I ever show y'all my new ink? I do not think I did. Here are my snowflakes... I had them done as a memorial for my grandfathers(the blue one) my grandmothers(the purple) and my sister is in pink. My front yard The backyard and my car. The front yard to the street. No one had been down the street this morning, and we are a main road to town. So we are staying in and unpacking a few more boxes. getting sorted and organized. I think I am gonna roast a chicken for mm have a good day. X's & Os Jenny