3rd Surgery done

Hey y'all how are ya?
Recovering from my hysterectomy here.
The surgery went well and no cancer! Thank you Lord!
Thankfully I was able to have it done laparoscopic instead of a big incision.
The pain has still been pretty rough, however I think the worst is over.
This healing process is for the birds!
All I have done in 6 days is sit in Lee's recliner. I am going stir crazy, but I am just not
Up to doing more. Taking a shower or walking to the mailbox wears me out.
Oh well this is just a time to be still.
Feel free to call, text or write.
Thank you for your kindness and prayers.
X's & O's


  1. Glad to hear that you are recovering, even if it isn't any fun! I think you deserve a vacation after all of this is said and done...you could come see me and I would pamper you! Hope you have a great week and that you don't go stir crazy!


  2. Im glad youre doing ok. take your time recovering. no need to hurry! heal well so you can play hard later!
    read lots and relax!

  3. Jenny,
    SO glad to hear it was not cancer! Take this time to do some things that you wouldn't usually have time for.....Recovery time is so important, do not rush it! Thinking of you! :):)

  4. I'm sorry Jenny. I never saw your last two posts. I was thinking about you just yesterday. I decided I needed to look you up and see how you are. I'm sorry about the surgeries. Glad that you are okay. I'm sorry for your struggle trying to have children. It is something that I just don't think is fair. So many have children that shouldn't. Then someone like you and your husband can't. I never thought I could foster and give up the child. Then we did emergency fostering for the little boy we did adopt. But while he was still a foster child I realized that he could leave and there was nothing I could do about it. I'm sorry your adoptions fell through. That's just plain sad.
    I have had a hysterectomy.I was 31. But they left my ovaries. I was so exhausted for a couple of months. I couldn't do anything. I wish I had something to motivate you. Maybe the write down your thoughts of the journey you have been on. Maybe it might be published. If not, maybe someone else will be comforted by your words. Hugs my swappy friend. You will feel better soon.


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