Hey Y'all how are ya today?
It is beautiful here today low 80's and no humidity equals a great day.
I am healing pretty well from surgery, but believe me I know when I have done a bit too much OUCH! lol
I am so very very bored! I have left the house only 3 times since surgery and I am going stir crazy.
I am just not motivated to do much which is frustrating.
One can only watch so much television.
I have read 5 books and almost through a 6th.
I made some summer wreaths for my sisters, my mom and me,
which for some reason only known to Google I cannot upload the photo, but you can see it here on my fb page.
I have looked at Pinterest until I am cross eyed lol and still have not cooked or created a thing from there. SHEESH! All this time I am waisting is working my nerves HA!
I work well with challenges so friends I have a favor to ask.
Challenge me to do something creative your choice, I can do scrapbook layouts, crafty stuff,write letters, cards, cook etc... pick something and help me out of this funky spot!


  1. Glad to hear your on the mend. Not so god to hear that your bored and not motivated. So how about as you have read the books a spot of book folding. There are excellent groups on face book which give free pattern instructions. Otherwise how about you take an old photo frame and alter it in some way. I have just done one and shown on my blog. I love your wreath by the way the flip flops look great. Catching up whilst my internet is up and running. Hugs Mrs A.


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