Hey Y'all are you ready for your Valentine? I am working so as usual we will not do anything, Lee bless his heart is just awful at Valentines, my Birthday which is 10 days after Valentines and our Anniversary, Christmas he is usually OK at(...because he gets a list ha ha) he just doesn't get it. Those events largely go unnoticed by him, not that I want tons of gifts or anything, just make an effort, make it special...oh well almost 19 years married, lol I do not anticipate a change! All that being said there are a few very sweet bloggers that do get me and I love to swap with them! Chris at A Little Creation is one of the ladies that really knows what I love! We did the Valentine swap at Viv's (love her too!) Thanks for hosting Viv! Here is what Chris made and sent to me :) GIFTS GALORE!!! SUCH A SWEET SNOWY SCENE! BE STILL MY HEART! A SNOWMAN ON A HEART HOLDING A HEART HOMEMADE HOT CHOCOLATE CANDLES AND HEART FILLED SCRAPPING PAPE...