Good Gracious!

Where does the time go?
This is honestly the first time in almost 3 months I have even opened my laptop! YIKES!
I feel so neglectful of all my friends blogs as well as my own. Please forgive me.
we have had quite a bit going on here at home, I won't bore you with the mundane details, you all know how it is. Work has been a bit crazy for me this past month, but hopefully I can make it to January and then I can relax. CHRISTMAS is just around the corner again already, can you believe it and Thanksgiving being so late in the month this year is going to make the Christmas season fly by in a flash.
Ok enough with all that I have to tell y'all something very important...SHE'S HERE!!!
My Dew Drop arrived on Oct.4th after putting her amazing mama through 39 yes you read it correctly 39 hours of labor! I'll just share a few photos now, and I'll save more for later; and I promise to be by each of your blogs to catch up very soon.
The most beautiful baby!
Darby Elizabeth
My Dewdrop!
Her very exhausted, but amazing and wonderful mama
My sister Laura!
She was so tired, but honestly just glowed!
Her Daddy Patrick.
He is totally in love, can't you see it on his face.
Me and my baby Dew!
Wrapped around Aunt Jenny's finger already!
Love! Love! Love!


  1. Oh my goodness Ethel, I thought the momma looked like you! It makes sense now! I think that baby is absolutely adorable. Just love her! She is lucky to be born into your family, you will be such an amazing auntie to her! It's unfortunate we all are slacking off on our blogging, but real life takes priority, right? I hope you are hanging in there. I think of you often, and continue to send prayers your way. Thank you for thinking of me and for the wonderful thoughts and prayers and support! Love you!!!!!! Lucy

  2. She is sooo gorgeous, the perfect dew drop...I posted my new granddaughter too this week...So much love in my heart. Happy Pink Saturday..xo Tami

  3. What a lovely child. Nothing more precious.;

  4. beautiful
    Hoping this week-end finds you filled with peace...alot of joy..and some coziness..

  5. What a beautiful baby! Congratulations to all! you look gorgeous too!

  6. Well it's certainly understandable why you've been gone and totally worth the wait for this wonderful news! She's a beautiful baby and I love her name! And her nickname ~ so sweet:)


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