Dirty Girls

Holy Cow I cannot believe it has 3 months since I was last here! Where has the time gone?
I have been a bit busy but sheesh not that bad!

So lets see what have I done since last here.
Hmmm for my being a better friend "resolution" I have done ok so far this year I missed sending letters in March and May that's not too bad. I have a stack ready to go out tomorrow for July :)

Speaking of July we have had crazy *scary crazy great weather for July in the south! Beautiful days and amazing nights. It's supposed to be a scorcher this weekend though so as the saying goes all good things must come to an end...lol
So I don't overwhelm and make a super long post I will just post this for today.

One of the most inspiring and amazing things I have done in my life was the Dirty Girl 5k Mud Run! I am telling you now if you EVER get a chance to do one

This was at the starting line from left to right
Joanne, Me, Laura, Beth, Leigh and Amanda

First I have to say if you do not know by now these are the most important women in my life. They are not only my sisters, sis in love, and cousin they are my best friends, amazing mama's, women of great Faith and my life would be incomplete with out them.

Second let me say THIS EVENT WAS CRAZY FUN!
I saw a little ad for it on the fb page of the business that was sponsoring it here in Chesapeake, Va
I thought hmmm Amanda and I don't do a lot together, I think I can do this with her, it's not timed, there is no competition, and while I am far from fit, I bet I could I can go around the obstacles (oh yeah it's an obstacle course too) and we can have fun, she said yes and got all the others involved. we had a meeting to come up with our team name many Vetoed names later we decided on 

Team A.M.E.N.
All Muddy Everywhere Now
Laura made shirts With our team name and verse on the back
This is after the race! I think someone has a photo of all of us with our backs to the camera showing this.
Pretty cool huh! Thanks again La! Love it!

Y'all I cannot tell you how much fun this was.
After the first  obstacles I knew I was gonna have a heart attack!
 LOL but after about a mile I was ok!

We laughed, walk, ran, climbed, crawled, fell, sloshed, oozed, splashed, threw,  skipped, sang,  talked and laughed some more and 2 1/2 hours later we all completed EVERY OBSTACLE  and
 crossed the finish line hand in hand!

Look at our smiles! These are the pics my dad took, there are many more but these are all I have so far.
Me, Beth and half of Leigh

Beth, Leigh and Laura

Leigh and Laura
Amanda, Joanne and Me

A bunch of Dirty Girls!

Amanda said after that we all overcame obstacles that day.
She was right.
Some physical. some mental. and some emotional.
But overcame them we did.
And we did it together.


  1. Welcome back! Looks like you had so much fun getting all muddy...a must try!


  2. Glad to see you again...even if you're under a bunch of mud! Looks like you had a fun time for a great cause!!😊 Hope the rest of your summer is filled with good times!

  3. Thanks for stopping by Jenny!! WOW you did the mud run cool! Tara and Ayanna did one in San Antonio a year ago.
    Hope your summer is going well- going too fast for me!
    Hugs! Linda


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