Pink Saturday

Hey Y'all how are ya today? Doing ok  in Virginia today.
We got to have dinner with the Squirt and the Chickie Baby and their parents tonight, which is a treat for us. I love my little's and their folks and love spending time with them. Lee went too, which is very rare for him, he was having a pretty good day today and went with me. Spending time with the little's makes everything better. They are truly my heart!
Ok On to PS and the LOVEY Beverly. Thank s for hosting us and PLEASE go here to visit all the pinkies!
So (as I stand on my soap box for a moment, just please indulge me!) what the heck has happened to nice paper?

I know, I know Email, Twitter and Facebook, Texting and Skype happened! I Know. Not that there is not a place in life for those forms of communication, I am thankful for them.
As many of you may know I love to write letters, real pen to paper letters. I had quite a stash of note pads and papers from years of writing, now that stash is depleted, so I went looking for note pads and stationery sets. What a rude awakening! $9.00 for 18 sheets of paper. CRAZY and I just can't justify spending that now a days.
So I have been looking in thrift stores and yard sales...I found one box for a dollar, but I have used all of it already. Some times I make my own, but when I write a letter, I just want to write, I don't want to have to make my paper first, and I am a craft as I need it type of gal, so I rarely have cards/paper etc...on hand.
I LOVE the feeling writing a note on pretty paper gives me.
I just can't afford it at these crazy prices. Looking online is either to "cheapy" or too expensive.
Never fear I am still on the hunt, there is a yard sale a few houses down tomorrow...
until then I will have to make do with this poor substitute...
Well at least it's PINK!

Have a great day and if you know of a supplier for great paper that doesn't cost a fortune, PLEASE let me know.


  1. Technical is great, but some of the old fashion ways are the best.

  2. Wellllll how about stamping some images on plain copy paper ... or did you mean that when you said you make your own? I was thinking you meant you make your own paper - which is neat and I have done only once! Have you seen the rolling stamps. Wheels, I think they're called. I have some I purchased from Stampin' Up way back. I did a quick search and see they've changed a bit - but they do let you zip down a piece of paper quite quickly and voila you have "stationary". I have a package of white stationary that I wheeled a dragonfly in gold down the sides.

    But I know what you mean - I guess when we switch media or mediums en mass we change the market, huh?

    Thanks for stopping by - you guys take care!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. I know what you mean...perhaps a true paperie type of store...there are so many beautiful cards out there, or you can make your own. Happy Pink Saturday!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  4. As a teenager I wrote letters all the time and I loved to collect pretty stationary. Now days I see more note cards than I do stationary....I like to pick them up at the $tree and at Michael's Craft Store. I hope you will be able to find some nice reasonably priced stationary soon!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment! I'm your newest follower :)
    Have a wonderful night!
    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  5. I love pretty stationary, don't see it so much anymore!

  6. How lovely!

    My PINK, your comment is always highly appreciated! Have a great weekend.

  7. Came over from your comment left on my blog to find a fellow letter writer who also yearns for the day of real stationary. Every estate sale, I always look for paper. I lucked up on two reams of very nice paper, but had someone name at the top. I just cut the name off. My first visit to Pink Saturday and I have already met several really nice people!

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  8. I seldom see stationary these days! I am playing catch up with Pink Saturday, didn't want to miss all the beautiful entries this week.

    My PINK
    Hope you'd come and see.
    Have a blessed Sunday.


  9. Good morning Jenny, Love your pink and you are right. Paper is a fortune these days. Just like everything else. Goodwill etc is the only way to save money out there. Happy hunting and good for you taking time to write on paper. We take a shortcut on our computer and it is never as personal.
    Happy Sunday,
    xo, Jeanne

  10. Good morning, a little late for PS but hope it was a good one for you. Know what you mean about the paper. I have found that Ross has some nice note cards and envelopes in small boxes, not expensive at all. Thank you for visiting. Hugs, Lu

  11. Thank you for the sweet comment Jenny. I am a new fan and follower now. :)
    And I miss real paper as well. I also am a huge fan of real notecards.
    My grandma loves getting handwritten notes and letters from me.

  12. The Art of Letter writing...practically a lost art for many, but like you, I still like the feel of pretty paper and pen. I do find cards and paper occassionally at the Thrift Shops, but often fall back on a stash of colored copy papers, scrapbook stickers and stamps to make stationary. Thanks for stopping by CITexas Gal. Happy Pink Saturday.


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