Jo Fluke

Hey Y'all, How are ya today?
So as many of you know I am a voracious reader and have been for most of my life. My parents instilled a love of reading in me almost from birth. When I was small we had a bed time EVEN IN SUMMER! It was sheer TORTURE  to have to go to bed when the sun was still up! So our compromise was that I had to stay in bed, but I could read until I fell asleep or it got dark outside...thus began a life long love affair with the written word. Which brings me to sharing with you one of my favorite authors. Joanne Fluke.
Have you read any of her books? She writes about  Hannah Swensen who runs a cookie shop called the "Cookie Jar" in (fictional) Lake Eden, Minnesota. Oh that Hannah, and the adventures she has. In every book there are mouth watering recipes. I can tell you I have made several of them and I have never been disappointed! The first book I read was Blueberry Muffin (3rd in the series) and Oh my stars are those muffins the best! I think I have made at least one treat from every book so far. If you have not read any of her books I recommend you start at the beginning with " Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder"  and make the Chocolate Chip Crunches to nibble as you read ;) If you like a good murder mystery, you will love Hannah and her crew.
image from google search
This photo is missing a few titles, but you get the idea :)

I have every one of her books **except the recipe book** and I do adore each and every one of them.
So if you pick up one (or all of them.)
Let me know, I would  Love to talk about them with you!
On another note, I am thinking about hosting a monthly informal book club, would that be something, 
you are interested in?

*Nope, not compensated in any way, I just LOVE Jo and her books.


  1. I have never even heard of these books but they sound like so much fun! I love reading too and can't bring myself to get a Kindle or other electronic reader. It just isn't the same as opening a book, bending the corner and getting lost in the pages! Hop you are having a great week!


  2. Hi Jenny

    I love to read too, but it seems that it's few and far between with all of my other hobbies lately, plus I love to cook and bake in my spare time too.


  3. I am not familiar with these books but will have to check them out. I remember when I read Under the Tuscan Sun. I spent the whole time drooling over images in my head of the amazing food she was making.


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