October fun

Hey Yall  how are you today?
I am on Vacation this week so I am Great!
October has had a lot of fun scheduled in!
Technically this happened on Sept. 29 but I forgot to share so I doing it now
I completed my second 5k mud run\obstacle course!

This was after the Dirty Dash in Virginia Beach!
I did this one on my own, which was a little tough
but I did it! I loved the feeling of accomplishment.
Believe me when I say if I can do it anyone can!
I cannot wait for the next one!

On October 4 we celebrated my Dew Drops First Birthday!
I cannot believe she is 1 already!
Her first taste of cake and she loved it!
Love and adore you Darby!

Then I worked A LOT! and had no fun :(

This past weekend we celebrated our favorite cousins 40th Birthday!
Welcome to your fabulous 40s!

I went junkin on Saturday and only bought 1 thing which is a Christmas gift for someone.
Yesterday I went to the movies with my sister in law Amanda we saw The Best Of Me
Ahhh Nicholas Sparks! Love is books.
The movie was good but the book is way better.
I recommend both!
Today I think I am staying in and working in my craft room, I need to get organized!

Have fun today :)

PS Is anyone interested in a Christmas swap? Leave me a comment or email me if you are !


  1. Looks like you have been having a lot of fun! That movie looks great (the director is from my hometown and went to school with my dad!) I got my cute little sign in the mail yesterday...thank you! Your other goodie should be coming your way any day. You know I am always up for a swap! Have a great rest of your vacation!


  2. Sounds like you have had a busy fall and are having a great week. I would love to participate in a swap. I never have and think it would be fun!

  3. Hi Jenny! I'm so proud of you! You Go Girl! Thank you so much for visiting me! I have some fun Halloween projects on my blog now if you want to see them. You are awesome! I've missed you!


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