Christmas is on the way....

Hey y'all!
OK you know I love swaps and stumbled over this one today thanks to Sandy at 521 Lake Street ;)
SIGN UP NOW!!! It looks like a great fun and creative swap.

 Erica at Golden Egg Vintage is hosting!
I cant wait to find out who my partner is! 
 Trisha and Marci I would love to swap with you each one on one as well!
Swaps and friends make me smile! 
What a great combination!


  1. Yay! I signed up for that one too and would love to do a one on one as well!


  2. You really have been bitten by the swap bug! Keep having fun!

  3. Count me in!!! Just let me know the rules! lol!

  4. Hi there. I'm your swap psrtner for the kitchen swap. Please send me an email with lots of information about yourself and what kind of things you like. . Thanks. Looking forward to being your swap buddy.


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