Lock Of Love

Hey Y'all how are ya?
The weather is heating up and the dreaded humidity is creeping in!
I am very much a fall/winter person!
How are things in your neighborhood?

So I have had a few people ask me to show them my new do,
while I was on vacation I got a hair cut and donated the length to Locks Of Love
I have grown it out for about 3 years just to do the donation, plus Lee loved my hair long :)
Yep he still is miffed about me cutting it, but oh well he will live...lol.
So here in the first photo is how I have been wearing my hair for about 2 years, in a bun, twisted and clipped or in a pony tail.
Here is all that hair down... 
and here it is after cutting off 11 inches. 
The curls bounced right back and the humidity frizzed it in about a second...lol
My hair is naturally curly, but the weight of all the length pulled the curls just about out!
So there you have it, the most exciting blog post ever....LMBO!
BUT in all seriousness Locks Of Love is a wonderful program and 
I am happy I was able to do my little part to help out.


  1. How kind of you to donate your hair! It looks great short and how fun to have the curls back!!


  2. That's so awesome! MY cousin Jay does that all the time, he grows his hair out then donates it too. It's really such a great cause! Thanks for helping, and enjoy your lighter hair!
    Elysia @ http://mischievouscrafts.blogspot.ca

  3. Hey Jenny,
    I love the Locks of Love program me and Livy both donated about two years ago I am still trying to grow my hair back out from having it cut so short! It is awesome that you did this!!!

  4. Yay for you Jenny! Your donation is much appreciated I'm sure! Do you love your natural curls? My hair is poker straight and I'd love a little bit of what you have-hehehehe!

  5. My DIL, Lori, loves to donate her hair. I wish I had better hair...if I try to grow it long it breaks! You definitely had lovely locks. =D

  6. Love the new do! And the donation of your locks is awesome.


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