Manteo, NC

Hey Y'all
How are you today?
It is a cool and rainy day here today, but, I love these kinda days.
Thank you all for the sweet words you left for me and Lee, they mean so much.
I am a little less jumbled today.
Love Y'all!
OK,  So on to today's post.
While Beth, Leigh and I were hanging out together we went to
                            The Christmas Shop and Island Gallery

it had been years since I had been to Manteo and so much had changed, but this gem was just perfect.
They have a long history in Manteo. If you are ever near there, it is another spot you must not miss!

You walk in the door and peace just wraps around you. Beauty and Art, every sense is stimulated. Lovely.
And of COURSE they do celebrate the most wonderful time of the year!
It is so much fun in the Christmas Shop, there are trees decorated in every theme, shape and size.

There are ornaments  for every occasion and season, they have 
the largest collection you can imagine ...and then some!
Isn't the beach/nautical tree just a dream.

                             Lovely music plays as you wander the Gallery,
 taking in some of the most beautiful art, varied, as the imaginations that create it.
There are nooks and crannies around every corner, just when you think you have hit the end, you turn into another room of wonder.
It is really a magical place.
As you wander on, you will end up in the General Store, a real full sized, filled with nostalgia, sample the fudge (then buy a slice or three)  at the candy counter, General Store

These photos just do not do justice to the entirety of The Shop and Gallery.
There is a book store, several jewelry counters, hand crafted ornaments, wind chimes, dishes,and candles, oh my, an antiques shop, a Halloween shop, bits and bobs of every type...
 I could go on forever. It is ALL under one roof!
Every one you meet is just as sweet and full of southern charm as can be.
So visit their website and if you are anywhere near the area visit them in person, you will not be disappointed
it is worth the trip all on it's own.
 All photos are from their website and  used with permission. Nope no compensation, just a place and an experience I wanted to share with you.
Support of Small Businesses is so very important to me.
X's & O's


  1. How fun! I wish I had an amazing place like that to decorate and have people come visit!


  2. This looks like such a beautiful shop.

  3. I LOVE it! What a wonderful shop! I am with you, supporting small business's is SO important!

  4. This looks so pretty, Jenny. I'd love to browse around in a special shop like that. I agree on supporting small businesses.
    Hope you and Lee are doing better. Thinking of ya, especially with Thanksgiving coming up. I'm so very grateful for you.
    Julie stopped by and it's so funny but as soon as I see her pop up, I think of you. The two of you are truly a pair. ;)
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Thank you for sharing....we will have to go!
    Sampson and Lorrie

  6. Oh Jenny! I would be here for hours!!!! Gosh, I hope someday I can visit this store! :)


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