Book Challenge January

Hey Y'all,
How are you today?
This year sweet Amy at The Crafty Book Nerd offered up a reading challenge for the year. The goal is to read a crime or mystery book, write your own little review and link up to her blog along with other readers to see what they are reading every month. I LOVE this as I am a voracious reader.
This month I read "The Lord Is My Shepherd" a Psalm 23 Mystery by Debbie Viguie. My mom loaned it to me and I read it in one night!
I definitely want to read the rest of this series.
The book opens with the main character (Cindy Preston) arriving to work on the Monday of Easter Week, she works at a church and upon arrival finds a man has been murdered in the chapel of the church.
The Rabbi (Jeremiah Silverman) of the Synagogue next to the church comes to her rescue; and as their friendship grows they discover the murder does not end with the one man in the church, they have a serial killer on their hands! The detectives investigating the murder have their hands full, so of course Cindy and Jeremiah have to help out. They work with the detectives, and find out this killer has been at it all over the country for years, he kills and displays the bodies in the fashion of the last week in the life of Jesus. Creepy.
Through their investigation Jeremiah and Cindy become friends and learn about the faith and religion of each other.
AHHHH how do I tell you and not spoil the best parts....ha ha ha.

I really enjoyed this book and how Faith plays such a major role in the everyday life of the characters.
I learned a lot more than I thought I knew about the Passover and Jewish faith in general.
I think you would like this book,it is a fast paced read and I highly recommend it to you.


  1. That sounds like a great book. I call those types of books happy I have read tons of similar ones. I hope all is well with you. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Kim


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