Merry Christmas

Hey Y'all
I have failed miserable again!
Counting my blessings ended all too quickly.
In short let me tell ya I am one blessed gal and I am  thankful for all He has given me.

So let me tell ya why I have been so absent so much this year.
First my promotion at work took up a good bit of time,
next we had to look for another house (long story) then we had to move.
Y'all let me tell ya with Lee being disabled it has taken us forever to get moved in, but we are finally about 98% moved.
We lost our beloved Cody my heart is still grieving for him. Lee was completely lost without his little buddy.
With much thought and prayer we adopted a new puppy.
Meet Charlie
My biggest chunk of time is spent on him at the moment
He is 4 months old now.

I love the new house and as soon as I find where we put my camera I'll give you a tour.
Until then here are my 2 little ole Christmas trees :)
This little one is in my kitchen
Notice no ornaments on the bottom of the tree...Charlie...

This is the one in the living room.

If you'd like my new address just leave a comment or email me.

Love y'all and hopefully in the new year things will be a bit more settled.
I have missed my swaps and blogging with y'all.
and I need my crafty mojo back too :)

Merry Christmas!


  1. OMG Jenny! So Cody's first name is Charles and his middle name is Cody. I love that your precious dogs share names with my precious husband! Charlie is such a little cutie! I am glad that you found him and I hope that he will help heal your hearts. I definitely need your new address! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


  2. Jenny....good to see you! I TOTALLY understand about the 4 month old hubby brought home a 7 week old one less than a month after I put my beloved Maya to sleep....with my disability ( PA) this has been a bit of a nightmare, but we are getting there....I am so glad you found a new home you love! Good luck with Charlie! :)

  3. Your puppy is precious! Sorry you lost Cody. It is always tough. But blessings come and Charlie is your new blessing! Good luck with the new home. Have a god weekend.


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