My brother in law Steve with Shelby and my sister (his wife) Beth in his garden.

Whew, where does the time go!, I missed pink Saturday and haven't posted in over a week! Yikes
I've just been working and trying to get things together for my sister's bridal shower on Saturday.
I also was able to get my grandma's 1950's Formica kitchen table; it's the  table she had since my dad was a wee lad. I have fond memories around that table and I am thrilled my dad and aunt let me have it . One leg is a bit wonky so Lee is gonna give it a bit of TLC and get it all spiffed up for me.We met my brother-in-law Steve over at my grandparents house yesterday morning (since Lee can't really lift or climb steps) he helped me load it. It was bittersweet. Their house is a Sears and Roebuck kit house purchased and built by my grandaddy in the early 50's. He had such pride in it! We have known for the past 3 years that the city is going to purchase it and the land around it from my dad and aunt and tear it down to expand the roadway there. :(    It was pretty tough on me being there for probably the last time ever. We have to have it all cleared out by May 8th. I am truly blessed to have the memories of that house and the events surrounding it. I miss them but thank God I had them. Other than that not much going on here in Franklin right now. I am going to attempt to get into my crafty groove as I am off today and tomorrow.
Hopefully I'll have something new to show ya soon.


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