Pink Saturday**Blessings**

Today sweet Beverly is hosting Pink Saturday and this week has a special twist, this week we are celebrating the blessings in our lives to help support....
                        Image and text are from Beverly's Blog Post

today is the day

we all share a blessing

in our life,


help to raise money for

another Miracle Makeover.
Please Visit Beverly at her blog (click her button on my side bar)for much more information on Charlie and Miracle Makeovers.
Thank You Beverly for hosting.

My Blessing ....
Wow where do I start and how do I share just one blessing in my life?
I have been blessed all my life.
I was born into a family of LOVE, I was blessed with wonderful parents and grandparents
1973 Dad, Mom, Me,Papa, and Meme (my moms parents)

Then I was blessed with 3 sisters and a brother, my life would be empty without all of them.
I was blessed with a great childhood filled with memories.
I am blessed to be married to Lee for almost 15 years.
I am blessed to be a child of God, and have a family full of saved believers that I will get to spend eternity with.
This is just the very tip top of the longest list you could imagine.
How do I narrow my blessings down, how do I pick just one....
You are all a Blessing to me.
X's & O's


  1. Sweet family shot. I agree you have been blessed and like you, I could not pick just one either.

  2. Thank you for sharing some of your great blessings. We all have more than we realize.

  3. Family is so important...we who have a loving family truly are blessed! Hope you have a wonderful week!

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

  4. I love your blog wallpaper and colors! So retro pretty!

    Thank-you for a heartfelt post on your blessings for the miracle pink saturday. Family is a blessing. So thoughtful and well-thought out and a joy for today! I sooo appreciate you.

    Your Design Angel Wings are Aqua with this little plaid wallpaper cut into scallops on the edges!

    In Gratitude...

    Kelee & Charlie

  5. I have truly been blessed with my beautiful phamily! Now I am equally blessed with wonderful friends like you! I so appreciate your comment at my blog. You are a wonderful lady and I am going to love getting to know you. Hugs Anne

  6. You are truly blessed growing up amidst that family in that loving environment...Christine

  7. You are incredibly blessed to have such a loving family. I know you are a wonderful blessing in their lives, too.

    Thank you for participating in this very special Pink Saturday. I hope your visitors will come over to comment and help us to raise more money for the next Miracle Makeover. The good news is that you can leave a comment each day through the 18th, and each comment earns $1.00. So, please come comment again and again.

  8. Thank you for sharing your blessings,it's so nice to know that there are such caring people in this troubled world, xx

  9. I just came from your most recent post and read this. Some awesome blessings you're praising God over. Isn't it the best when we understand and know that eternity with the Lord will also include loved ones. Especially in these times with sickness, I'm ever so thankful my husband is the Lord's. Thanks and Hugs again, Jenn


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