Asking God...

Today as my heart is breaking over the events of Friday morning, I am asking God...
To comfort the survivors, give them the time they need to heal and the strength they need to get through each day.
To hold the Families of the 12 angels in the palm of His hands, give them comfort and grace each minute as they lay their loved ones to rest.
To calm the angry, vengeance is His alone.
To help us remember, that He is in control and always there for us.
Help Us Remember To Always LOVE one another Lord.
I just keep thinking;  if my heart is hurting for total strangers, I can't imagine how things like this hurt to the families and those who were hurt and to our Lord.
sending love and hugs to you all today.


  1. Amen and thank you so much for that wonderful post. Well said!

  2. "...Mercy triumphs over judgment."~James 2:13


  3. It is so heart wrenching--to see the faces of the parents who lost their children. I have prayed that their terror in that theater will subside someday.


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