A RE-Post...

Hey Y'all! How are ya today?
The weather is cooler...I am anxiously awaiting the first frost of fall! I think that is my favorite day of the year...well next to a snow day that is!
I was fiddling around my blog, looking at the page views and out of nowhere this post had 6 views today, so I thought I would re-post it, I still feel it and believe it as much today as I did last year when I wrote it.
As a matter of fact, reading it made me feel better.
This post is from last November, I did a month of counting my blessings, this was day 2.

Today I am thankful and blessed.
I am thankful today that I am saved by grace.
I love knowing Jesus as my savior.

Image from google
I love the knowledge that no matter what He is there for me.
My dad told me once that when times are so tough, if you just imagine sitting with Jesus and talking to Him it will get better.
I often picture in my minds eye sitting on the beach with Jesus on my right and my dad on my left and my husband behind me. He holds my hand, sometimes He holds me and just listens. Sometimes we just watch the waves. It comforts me and refreshes me beyond all words.
I am Blessed to live in a country where I can freely practice my Christian faith, without fear. I love my Jesus, My God, My Holy Spirit.
My 4 year old niece said it best "Jesus is my favorite."
If you need Him and think you can't find Him, just look into your heart, you will find Him waiting there for you.
Thank You Jesus for loving me.


  1. Your post is lovely.
    Very beautiful thoughts.
    As a women I believe that we are living at the best time so far for women. I think of our sisters who have gone before us and think of the great bounties that we have that they were deprived of. How fortunate for us, how can we not be happy and embrace each and everyday with joy and happiness!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Thank you for your special thoughts.

  2. I want some frost too! I am so happy for actual seasons this year! We missed that in Vegas.

    Your post is wonderful! Thank you for reposting. :)

  3. Ethel,
    That is really beautiful, I agree with Cindy.
    My neighbor said on facebook that she is going to video tape Ricky doing Zumba and send it to America's Funniest Home Videos and send us all to Disney! I'm not sure who would be funnier, me or Ricky. well since he has that natural Cuban rhythm, being a bandleader and all, he should do well. :) Say hey to Fred!
    Hugs and blessings,

  4. Beautiful post and photo choice too.
    I've been reading about the hazards of not being thankful - and it just feels better when I'm thankful.
    Good re-post.

  5. Jenny, I was so happy to see your name on my post today. I always love to visit and see what you are up to. I have received three ladies ornaments (boy do I need to work on my own!) and they are absolutely fun! I am not going to be sharing sneak peeks this year because I want you all to have the same thrill I am having at seeing them. Will let you know you don't have to use a huge box to send them. I am laughing at the gargantuan boxes that are being sent. They are so light they travel nicely packed together. My poor postman! Have fun with your ornaments! Elizabeth


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