
I am anxiously awaiting FALL!
 This summer has been brutal on all of us and I am so ready for the crisp cool days of fall.
Days free of humidity and full of cool breezes, long walks and cozy nights on the couch.
image from google search

Pumpkin Bread and Hot Chocolate.
Apple Cider and Stews cooked in the Crock Pot
Fresh Apples and a fire in the fire pit.
It can't get here fast enough for me!
Time for a trip to Colonial Williamsburg
image from google search
It is such a wonderful place. We love to go there and just walk around.
Sadly this is something I can't so with Lee anymore, he just can't walk that much.
Lee and I would drive up for the day and just walk the cobblestone streets for hours holding hands, watching the blacksmith, admiring the architecture and the history of it all.
Sometimes in the fall and sometimes for the Grand Illumination at Christmas.

So maybe this year I will make it to Busch Gardens also in Williamsburg for...
image from google search
It is a ton of fun and so much more enjoyable with out a thousand tourists and also without 
100 degree temps....LOL
I have not been in forever, maybe this fall.
It is also time for the State Fair at the end of the month...maybe a trip there.
Who knows which direction the wind will blow us this Fall.
I for one can't wait for the weather to change!
How about you?


  1. I wish it could be fall all year long! Going to Colonial Williamsburg is on my bucket list! Have a great weekend!


  2. Colonial Williamsburg looks like an awesome destination in the fall.I have been there in the summer though. I'm anxious for that crisp air too.

  3. Oh Jenny! I so wanted to attend William and Mary when I was a teenager. I love Williamsburg. About the swap, this is a difficult one. Are you up to the challenge. We have Beth of Beth's Bagz joining. I am very nervous.... Let me know, I will hold your spot. E

  4. My favorite time of year.
    We must have crossed paths because I was headed here minutes before I noticed your message just now. I was actually going to tell you about the Halloween tag swap over at Art Joy Stuff. Info here:
    Would sure love it if you joined in. Who knows, we may end up partners one of these days. ;)


  5. BJ of Sweet Nothings put a fire in her fireplace yesterday or day before (West Tx). We got rain!!!!! Oh it was wonderful driving in it ... seeing some of the cracks in the ground close up. Looking forward to more rain for here and fall. However, so much is browned up due to drought that this a.m. it looked like fall, sorta, with the rain and brown stuff.
    Sorry that Lee can't do so much walking. Sounds like you had some great times. Drives can be awfully nice too.
    Take care! See ya next time, Jenn


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