Day 5

Hey Y'all,
Today I am blessed to have great friends in my life.
I have met some wonderful women in the blog world, that have truly blessed my life.
I am almost hesitant to name them, only because I am afraid I will leave someone out, so to name a few, and I am sorry if I miss you, (my 40 year old brain is not as good as my 39 year old brain was...ha ha )

Lucy aka Julie at Ric Rac and Polka Dots
I am so glad to have you in my life.
You always make me smile.

Peg at Peg's Crafting Corner
You are one of the sweetest women I know.

God brought us together when we needed it.
I love you to bits.

Elizabeth at Creative Breathing
Your kindness and creativity blow me away.
I miss ya :)

Angela at Down to the Darling Details.
We met through Sandy at 521 Lake Street's Easter Swap
that was one of the best days, when God made us friends in an instant!
Sandy  is so very creative and a lovely woman, whom I am blessed to call my friend.

Trisha at Glass Slippers and All Sorts of Stuff
We are sisters.
She gets me and I adore her.
Thank you Lord for her in my life!

Marci at Suzy Social Worker By Day... Betty Crocker By Night
She has the sweetest heart and holy cow, have you SEEN what this talented lady can do with a cookie!
One day she will send me some (AHEM HINT HINT...LOL Just kidding)
Marci always keeps up with me and her patience is a trait I wish I possessed.
You are a beautiful soul!

Cristal aka Pinky at Much Ado About Nothing
She is the one who created this
She got me into paper crafts and I WISH more than anything we had spent TONS of time together when she lived down the street from me. Her heart is as big as the world, her strength astounds me and her creativity! WOW. I wish I had just a bit of what she has in talent.
I miss you and I am blessed with so very much  because of you.

Jori at Barn Girl
I LOVE to see the world through her eyes and heart.
One day we will meet and talk for days!
You are a sunshine in my every day!

Tonight the Lord has placed these special women at the forefront of my mind.

There are many more.
Leann, Joyce, Velma, Chris, Tammy, and Marti just to name a few, just visit my sidebar, every blog I have on there has a woman behind it who is a blessing to me. God brought us together for a reason, even if it was just a brief time and I will always value each and every one of you!


  1. Jenny, you are way too sweet! I am so thankful that blogging has brought you into my life as well! You are such an amazing lady and we are all so very lucky to know you! Hugs my sweet friend!


  2. Now you are the sweetest thing ever!! You just made me tear up. Send me your new address and I would love to surprise you with some goodies.


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