A Fun Day

Fun In The Hot Hot Sun
                        Shelby in her pretty pink bathing suit
My little diver...Colby
I have to share the story behind these photos...The 4th of July pool party was all planned by my sister and her husband. "Bring a side dish and we have the pool and everything else" Pool? What pool? To our knowledge they didn't have a pool, my bil Steve had purchased a 4 ft above ground pool for this party, try as he might he could not get it to stay up and full! LMBO
It kept collapsing on him! When we all get there it about wading pool height, THAT DIDN'T STOP OUR FAMILY! HA we got wet anyway! Take That Mr.Pool! The pool was being filled with icy cold well water and it felt so good, it was enough to dunk our heads under and swim around a bit, Colby was cracking me up with his snorkel in about 1 foot of water, but he kept it on the entire time. It may not have been full and it may not have been deep but it was cold and we had fun anyway!


  1. Ethel,
    Oh my gosh, that is so funny. And I bet you had a great time too!!! Sure sounds like it. See, when life hands you lemons . . . well you know how it goes. I seriously am thinking I should go get a little round wading pool. It would be so nice to sit out in when it is like today, 90s and humid. I don't have a bathing suit anymore, but I could go out in shorts and a tank top and just sit in it. Hey, I could bring my knitting. Well there's a picture, me fully dressed knitting in a wading pool. :)
    Great story and pics, thanks for sharing. Take care and hang in there. Still praying for you.

  2. Oh what a sweet post! So fun seeing the kiddies do their thing:)



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