Help me please

I am OVERWHELMED with too much information!
I would like to find a unique/special/new to us foodie gift for our Christmas stockings.
(These are not all of the stockings, 6 of them were taken down while the fire was lit.)
We do a name exchange and only but a gift for 1 adult and we buy for all the kids, but we still fill each others stockings and I like to do something yummy and different each year.
One year was cocoa's, another was nuts, another was soup mixes.
you get the idea.
This year I want something special.
HOWEVER in my Internet searches I have found too much.
I can't decide. I can't even narrow it down. SHEESH.
So what do you suggest?
Please Help :)


  1. Thank you for coming to my blog for a visit. I thank you for the comment. I think your Christmas village is lovely....did you do a google search for the piece that you would like to add? Don't give up on it, you might be surprised and find one!
    Hugs, Gigi

  2. Well, my friend, you are most certainly right as far as the internet search having so much that it typically ends up overwhelming us even more. I would suggest (and I've never tried making it but I hear it's delicious) peppermint bark. There are lots of ways to make it, even as simple as a chocolate cake pop with crushed candy cane on top. Whatever you do, enjoy it. Cupcake in a jar (preserve jar) is also cute. Let us know what you end up making.
    PS-Cute stockings.

  3. Have you tried looking at interest, so many wonderful ideas!

  4. Good morning! I just thought you should know that your blog is linked as a feature on the blogging sisters site.

  5. I love off of the stockings hung by the fire! Hmmm I like the peppermint bark idea, too. Sounds good about now. Cake pops, perhaps? Those are cute, fun and unique!

  6. One of my favorite treats to make at Christmas time is roasted pecans. I like the salty ones but the sweet ones are delish too. Super easy to make too ~ just google and you'll find recipes that take like 10 minutes to prep. Good luck!


  7. Enjoy your weekend too. Have you come up with any ideas since I last visited?
    I'm thinking of taking that roasted pecan suggestion with me. :) YUM!

  8. What a beautiful mantel! Hope you have a great day.

  9. Sugared walnuts or pecans are delicious and easy to make.

  10. Jenny what about doing a brownie in a jar for everyone, I think it is a fantastic idea, love from your New Zealand friend


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