What are you reading?

So what books are you reading now?
I went to the library today and checked out a few
 "Angel Fire" by Ron Franscell, "The Book Of Tomorrow" by Cecelia Ahern, and "Emily and Einstein" by Linda Francis Lee all 3 are fiction novels; and I am reading Joyce Meyers "eat the cookie...buy the shoes" I bought it for my mom last year as she loves Joyce and she loaned it to me, I read books like that in short bursts, they inspire/teach me more that way.
I LOVE to read, I am a voracious reader. Mostly fiction, but sprinkled with biographies.
I read every night, My mom remembers when I was in 1st grade how I would want to read to her after school everyday. I think I fell in love with reading when I was about 8, see we had a BEDTIME (unheard of these days) even in summer WHILE IT WAS STILL LIGHT OUT! (Talk about torture!!!!!) so my mom told me I had to go to bed and stay there, but I didn't have to go to sleep; I could read. That opened up a  whole new world. I started with Judy Bloom and Beverly Cleary then Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys appeared....thus began my love affair. Now I can't sleep unless I read at least a few pages every night.
My nephew Colby is in 1st grade now and last week we read a book together at bedtime and  for the first time he wanted to read it to me. I love that!
So what are you reading?


  1. Oh if you love fiction you might enjoy The Hawk and the Dove by Penelope Wilcock. I am not a fiction reader but a non-fiction reader, and I have about five books going right now. The Fresh Brewed Life by Nicole Johnson, Bread and Wine-readings for Easter, Have a New Husband by Friday, Dr Kevin Leman (of course this is about me not my husband) and Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer.

    Also a stack of books for my 5 year old..I love picture books and collect them

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment, what a blessing to me!

  2. I'm mostly reading beginners books for my GD. LOL I grew up in a family of readers. FYI: my 18 year old senior still has a bedtime of 10 pm!

  3. Hi Jenny..Just stopping by to say hi...Love ur Easter Greeting..should get something like that for my blog too...Hugs Regena


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