Pink Saturday

Hey there fellow Pinkies, How are you this Saturday? It's another rainy/cloudy day here in Virginia.
Today we are celebrating my nephew's 7th birthday, I love that boy so much and he has such a heart for God. I was the first member of the family to hold him (after his parents of course) 23 minutes after he was born he was in my arms;  he brings me so much joy! He is also a goofball and even though there is not any pink in these photos of him, I just had to share them in celebration of his birthday, these photos are from Mother's day last week.

                                          posing on the dance floor
dancing with his mom on mother's day

Happy Birthday Squirt!


  1. Awww. Happy Pink Saturday and happy b day to your nephew, Thanks for visiting me, am happy to be your new follower.

  2. I love being an aunt! Happy Birthday to your nephew and Happy Pink Saturday to you!


  3. Thanks for stopping by on Pink Saturday! I wish I were right there with ya, having a little sweet tea!
    If it were not for my transplanted southern friends here in Cali, I'd only know about sweet tea from Chik Fil A:) Love you sweet blog. I'd love for you to share something at my blog party...

  4. Hi Jenny~
    Your nephew is adorable! I'd share too if I were you. =0)
    Thank you so much for stopping by to say hello. I hope that you have had a very Happy Pink Saturday!


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