Pink Saturday

Hey there all my pink loving friends. Happy Pink Saturday to you.
Since y'all seemed to like my little mini depression glass replicas last week;  I figured I'd post one a week for the next few weeks. I only have 6 sets so we have 4 more after this one. This is the first set I got it's set number 3 in their(Mosser Glass) collection
I remember when I took off the wrapping paper and saw the box I had NO IDEA who Mosser Glass was or what was in the box.

 Then I opened the lid and fell in love with the cute little "Dinner Plates".
My mom finds the best gifts.

These plates really could be used as a dessert plate, hmmm I'm thinking
Petite Fores or Cupcakes.
I love my little mini's and I hope y'all are enjoying them as well.
Thanks Beverly for hosting such a great group!


  1. Happy Pink Saturday...Love, love pink glassware! Your set of minis are wonderful!

    Oh yes I'm one of your new followers!!
    Come on over and visit with me!!

  2. So sweet, and perfect for cupcakes! Happy PS!

  3. I have seen and have a few pieces of depression glass. Never saw these little ones. Based on your header, I would dearly love a big, cold glass of tea with you.

  4. Oh, what cute sweet little pink plates. I love them. Great pink find. Thanks for sharing. Karie

  5. Sweet, lovely plates! You are a lucky gal! :) Happy Pink Saturday and thank you so much for your visit to my blog.


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