Pink Saturday

Hey Y'all
How are you today? My vacation is going OK so far, come on in and sit a spell.

 I'll grab ya a glass of sweet tea and we can visit. Speaking of sure to visit Beverly's Blog and meet some of the nicest people in blog land. I think I need a bigger wreath on my

So yesterday I posted a few things I wanted to get done on my days off, a trip to Michael's to use the gift card Marcia sent me last year was on that list, so off to Chesapeake we went. I did get the scoring board and a few other goodies and only spent $7.35 over what I had on the gift card I was a happy gal.
We had lunch, went to Lee's lawyer for a bit then went and  picked up some meds for him. He was having a good day too.
Then we came home...
I had the idea since our dog has already had a few fleas this spring we would put some flea powder on the carpets.I didn't want him laying on it or breathing it all in for the few hours we were gonna be gone, so we put him in our room and shut the door. We did that and came home to this!
There were paint flakes everywhere! It looked like a snow storm, there were pieces of veneer and paint in the hall that poofed out under the door! 
This little fur ball called Cody (
He had food and water (which he also made a HUGE mess of) and the TV in the bedroom was on, 
he was just mad we left him in there!
I am still ticked off at him! I am still scraping paint chips off the hardwood floor.
What a way to start the vacay...
I think I need a glass of wine now ;)


  1. Your Cody is so cute even if he was naughty!! So glad to see what he looks like so now when you talk about Cody, I will picture him and not my husband LOL! Hope the rest of your vacation is a little less eventful!


  2. Oh boy was he a little bit anxious or what! He looks like he's saying "whatevah"! Glad you're having a nice vacation. Hugs

  3. Oh. I know that look...'You'll not be doing this again will you Mom' We had Norawae the Norwegian Elkhound she hated being away from us, which wasn't very often...she went everywhere with us, but even if we went to the Grocery Store..with her in the van...she'd scream..yes scream the wail and you'd swear she was saying....'Don't you leave me'..over and over..until we got out of her site. People would look cause it really sounded like a car type alarm that would turn off. Folks 'd walk up to van and she'd not utter a sound..iF she saw us in the store window, off she'd go. Of course PetSmart and most Antique Malls and some shops were happy to let her in to browse. She was so happy when she knew we'd going to those places..LOL

  4. Oh how naughty!! :) Haha
    No treats for Cody!

  5. So beautiful! Come and join my Color Connection meme too. The linky is at my Pink Dinosaurs entry. Have a lovely weekend!

  6. I love ad enjoy sweet tea. Save me a cup and I will join you.

  7. Oh No!!! But what a cutie....How could you stay mad at her for long....course I am not the one cleaning up the mess either.
    Enjoy your vacation!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  8. Such a delight to see gorgeous pink every week, yours are lovely!

    My PINK please come and see when you have time. Have a safe and happy weekend!

  9. Pretty pink wreath and a glass of sweet tea, how nice! Nice to meet you Jenny! Thanks for stopping by today!

  10. Oh no!! My puppy would be in deep doodoo for that one!!


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