
Do you ever write letters anymore?
I do, though not nearly often enough. I don't get back as many as I send, but that's ok. I love writing to people I love and miss. I think it's a lost art form. I know a lot of people bemoan the use of email and texting. They have their place too. If it wasn't for facebook I would not have reconnected with people I miss, I am grateful for it. Email is a lot faster and has it's place too, my friend in California I can email and get in answer back in minutes not days.
 I know I am not the best letter writer, I have a tendency to switch subjects a lot and I know I am not very eloquent, but I do it anyway and you know what I always feel better after I do, there is something refreshing about putting a few thoughts down on paper and sending it off.
I also from time to time write letters to God, I will write my prayer instead of speaking it, as a result I often have more peace about what I am praying on.
I wrote 3 letters just tonight on I love Lucy blank note cards that I have had for years, ( I do adore that redhead) nothing special, just a how is your new year and I miss ya. They will go into the post tomorrow. Here is a little challenge for you, pull out a sheet of paper and a pen and write someone you love, like or miss. They will love getting that letter in the mailbox and I just bet you will love sending it too.
Much love,


  1. Hi Jenny, Come on over to my blog for a visit. There is something for you there. :) XOXO

  2. I LOVE writing letters, as old fashioned as it may seem. I still have a penpal with whom I exchange JUST letters. We have never met, just sent each other photos. I have never emailed with her, nor talked to her on the phone. It feels so special to exchange letters that way!
    And I love sending cards. I always include a short letter along with my cards and have juuust finished signing one for my sweetie who lives in Washington & am now working on a short note to include with the card. lol.


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