A New Year

This is a new blog for a new year, I have no idea if anyone will ever read these posts or even care to, but I am gonna do it anyway. For some reason it is important to me to do this, I learned a long time ago to not ignore that still small voice that tells me things from time to time. I believe it is the Holy Spirit guiding me, promptimg me; to listen. I am trying to listen. I have "stalked" many, many blogs and love the community of talented women on the web (sigh...)  I am so jealous, but inspired and until recently I have not felt the need to start my own . Any tips or suggestions?  I am a Christian, wife, daughter,sister and aunt. I hope to grow in my relationship with God and I am very excited to discuss my faith with you.I have definately been blessed to find  many blogs out there such as  Homespun Heart,  with all that i've been given, bless our nest, Blessed Femininity, Aspiring Homemaker etc... (I could go on and once I figure out how to link my favorites I will!...teehee.... ) that have motivated me to find a deeper relationship with God. The women who belong to those blogs inspire me in their walk with The Lord.
 I also love paper crafting and many many many blogs inspire me there, such as Kandeland, Bluebird Paper crafts, Two Crazy Crafters, A Scraphappy Southern belle, Much Ado About Nothing, etc... I am also a Fisk-A-Teer #4766!!! Cristal (aka Pinky) at Much Ado About Nothing is to blame the reason I got into paper crafts, it opened a new chapter in my life and for that; to her I will always be grateful, she is a wonderful friend and since she moved to another state I miss her all the more. Well this is starting to get kinda long for my very first post so I will close with this. God loves YOU and so do I.
See you again soon,


  1. Congrats on the new blog! I can't wait to see what you do. You are such a wonderful friend and deserve all of the very best.

  2. OooOoo you're my new bestest blogger! You personally know Pinky??? She's my scrapping HERO!!! LOL. Great start on your blog. Will definitely be sticking around and making sure you keep it updated. (ha! as if! First i need to keep mine updated) *giggle

  3. Now that is too funny jenny...me a scrappin' Hero LOL :)

  4. I say go with your passion jenny, scrap the passion you have for faith


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