Sherwood Pictures

I love these movies! Have you seen any of them? First let me say I am in no way being paid or asked to promote them, I just really love them and they made such a difference in my life I had to share with y'all.

There is a church in Albany, Georgia called Sherwood Baptist Church a few years ago (2003 I think?)they made a movie called Flywheel as a local outreach for their community, well it found it's way from little Albany, Georgia to video stores mostly in the south east, then everywhere; it is a wonderful film the story for Flywheel is to rely on God, be obedient to Him and trust in Him. I love it and I could watch it everyday (sometimes we do).
Then a couple of years, and a bigger budget later the made Facing the Giants (my favorite of them all ) This movie speaks to my soul! The story line is about a Football coach who has lost confidence in himself and feels adrift, with no clear direction, also there is a sub story about the infertility he and his wife are going through ( I related to that part big time!!) He discovers that With God All Things Are Possible, this film is the story of  his journey.
Then Kirk Cameron joined on for their next movie Fireproof  (their largest release to date) this one is a story of LOVE. The Love God has for us and the Love we HAVE to share. Have you seen ads or has your church done a "Fireproof your Marriage" class if so they are based on this film. It is a story of a couple headed for divorce, and the trials of relationships. So very good.
2 brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick have written all the movies and books from (and for) these movies and they are all filmed with members of their church, and locally in Albany. If you get a chance to see them or buy them do it! You won't be disappointed.
The team at Sherwood recently finished their 4th film called Courageous  it is due to hit theaters Sept.30,2011     
I for one can't wait!
Honestly folks  these films really hit home with Lee and me, they encourage us when we are down, comfort us like a hug and move the Holy Spirit through our souls.
Who would think a few movies could do that?   God did.
I'm sure I will be blogging more about each film in the future.
If you have any questions about these movies please ask and I will try my best to answer them.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. great to find a movie worth watching! i just posted the 'saving sarah cain' find last wk :)
    thx for taking tea with me today at FHC! glad to find you ~ Welcome ...

  2. Thank you so much for your mention of the new Courageous movie in your blog! We really do appreciate your support and willingness to share your interest in this new movie readers. As we move closer to the 9/30/2011 theatrical release date, we could definitely use your continued help spreading the news!

    Thank you!

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  3. I have watched both fireproof and flywheel, both two of my favorite movies. I will definitely be checking out Courageous when it comes out & will be looking for Facing the Giants as soon as possible as well...


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