Counting My Blessings Day 10

I am blessed to have the ability to read.
I LOVE to read.  My love of reading began when I was very young, my mom tells of me coming home from school in 1st grade and sitting her down to read to her. I remember when I was small (under 10)  we ALWAYS had a bedtime yes even in summer WHEN IT IS STILL LIGHT OUTSIDE! Talk about torture!  Well my mom and dad did have 5 kids and they needed a break at night :) at any rate, my mom told me I had to go to bed but I did not have to go to sleep, I could read until it got dark. What a world was opened to me then. I read Freckle Juice and The Hardy Boys, Fudge, The Wizard of Oz and The Secret Garden and my favorite was always Nancy Drew!
My love of reading continues today.
I just finished reading this book, oh my it was wonderful, I loved it!

                                Photo from Amazon

Ronda Rich wrote a book that spoke right to my heart! I laughed I cried I learned a lot, and I related to this book a ton, it really is spot on about Southern women.
So I am thankful to God for my sight and the ability to read and I am blessed to have parents that instilled such a passion for reading in me from an early age.
They are both readers too.


  1. I love to read too! When I was in the 1st grade, I read the book "If you give a mouse a cookie" to everyone for Christmas! Boy did I think that was something special. I still love to read and I am thankful for that as well!



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