Counting My Blessings Day 14

My favorite Blessings are my nephews and nieces.
This one here is my Squirt.
I held him when he was 30 minutes old and it was love at first sight.
He has held my heart ever since.
I called him little squirt that minute; he was "little squirt" until he told me he was not little anymore, he was about 5 when that happened, he is now  7.
 So from then on  it is just "squirt" :)
This is us last Thanksgiving making his Christmas List.
We do it together after dinner at "pie time".
He has such a heart for Jesus.
I pray he always will.
One night during his prayers he prayed that his cousin "baby nugget"
(other wise known as Layden)
"Would grow up to be a strong man of God."
That took my breath away.
I love you with all my heart Squirt,
may you always know that .
May you always walk with God.
I love you infinity + 1.
You are my blessing everyday.
I thank you Lord for giving him to us.


  1. Ethel,
    So sweet. Love the picture of him busily creating his list. That's a keeper!!! He is so lucky to have such a wonderful aunt!


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